Under Normal Circumstances
Gathering Information
The first step in any writing project is to gather as much information
on your topic from as many sources as possible. There is never too much information because you can always get rid of what
you don’t use. If you are having trouble finding information try to find a better topic to write on. This information
can come from the library, newspaper, the Internet and any other source you can find.
2 Organize The Information
Once you have all the information you think you will need it
is time to start sorting the information by several categories in order to make the information more manageable.
a. Group similar ideas together
b. Draw up a generalization about
each grouping
c. Make up in your mind or on
paper a chart of all the information you have and decide if you will need more information.
3. Focus Your Thoughts
What you want to do
next is read through your information and then step back for a few moments from all the data you have and try to imagine what
information your audience would benefit most from hearing and also what information you think they would want to hear. You can begin to focus your thoughts using one of the following five ways
Imagine you were the reader skimming across what you are writing what
is the absolute minimum they will need to understand what you are trying to get across
Lay out your main ideas in a few sentences concentrating on major and
minor ideas.
Think about how you would teach the main ideas to someone. How you would explain them etc.
Imagine you had to teach your main idea to someone in 2 minutes. What
would be the most important thing you would want them to know?
Write with the top down. In
other words start with the main idea and build a foundation for it.
3. Draft the Document
Organizing and focusing
the main ideas was the easy part. Now comes the hard part for many people actually
writing the paper. Here are some tips for you to follow when writing the rough draft.
Don’t worry about what you are writing just keep writing. Creativity
flows tension stops the flow.
Compose the paper in any order you want to. If one sections is not
working move on to the next.
Avoiding editing. Under
no circumstance do you want to edit as you go this will only cause writers block so just keep writing. Let go and let it flow.
Once you are done print a hard copy for review later. Do not start editing right away, but give it some time and go take a nap or a walk or a vacation. Whatever
it takes to get you away form your paper for a while
4. Edit the Document
Editing is really a
four step process so do not frustrate yourself by trying to do all your editing at once.
Edit for Strategy. Before you even begin to edit, think about your audience, who will be reading it and in
what setting with the item be read, casual work environment etc.. Then edit the document accordingly
Edit for the Main Points. Look for the main points of the document and make them the beginning of each section
of the paper. The rest of the papers will consist of supporting evidence for your key points.
Edit for Supporting or Corroborating Evidence. Now that you have your supporting evidence in place you will need to edit
for the supporting evidence. This is the information that supports what you have just chose as the main points you want th
reader to learn.
Edit for everything else. Now that you have a paper in place that you can live with it is time to edit for the
small details like grammar and punctuation.
Edit once again. Edit again for readability. Now that you have you paper, make sure the paper is written so that the reader
will get out of reading what you want them to. Does you paper flow from point to point or does it bog down somewhere in the
middle or anywhere else?
Once more just review you paper to make sure everything is as it should
be. A little advice to remember is that ten percent of your paper is inspirations
the rest is editing.
Composing Under Special Circumstances
1. Overcoming Writers Block
Writers block is the writer’s worst enemy. It is that
inability to come up with anything to say. You sit there facing that blank space wondering where the words are going to come
from or how you are ever going to think of that first sentence. Virtually every
writer has experienced writer’s block at one time or another. The key is
not worry about whether writers block will come but how to deal with it when it does.
If you get stuck in writers block it is always good to know how to get unstuck and to keep writing. Here are a couple of tips or ticks to use to help you get unstuck and to move on.
a. Change
what you are writing. I use this one a lot.
If you are having trouble writing one section a chapter, article or whatever it is move on to something else. Try to
just free write: where you write down whatever comes to mind. Try to move onto another section of your paper draw up another
idea chart, work on the headings, but don’t let your fingers stop typing or you hand to stop moving. The more you keep writing instead of trying to think of what to wrote the better off you will be.
b. Change
what you are doing. Get up and walk away from you are writing for a little
while. Go out and take a walk. Talk to some friends or relatives. Discuss what you are writing with someone else sometimes talking about it will spark your creativity. Maybe
read a book on the subject you are writing about to see how someone else deals with the topic. Remember looking at their ideas
is ok just don’t take their words.
c. Change
the way you look at things. Throw out the rules of writing and just have at it.
Let those fingers move as they strike those keys. Try looking at the paper one section at a time. This is especially
important when writing a long drawn out paper because sometimes the enormity of the task at hand causes writers block. Another idea is not expect too much from you first draft. In short do not fall in love with what you are writing because sooner or later it will need to be edited.
d. Love
what you write in order write what you love.
A lot of times writers block comes from not really liking
what you are writing. If you’re just not into it is never going to work
and you will find yourself staring at the blank page wondering where to go next. When writing try to pick topics that you
like or love to write about. Even if what you are writing for a business presentation
the more joy you feel about your topic the better off you will be
e. Change
what you know. Sometimes writer’s block occurs because we do not know
enough about what we are trying to write. This means you should enough about your topic to write about it without too much
Change your writing habits. Each of us has a certain time of the day where we just do not seem to have the
desire to do anything. If you have something to write make sure you schedule
in a certain amount of time to write when you know that your thoughts will come freely and creatively.
g. Change
you writing habits. Do not procrastinate when it comes to writing this will only result in you having increase tension
as well as writers block. Another thing you can do is do not wrote only when
you have to, but find time to just write because you can. The more you write
the easier it will become to write.
2. Using Email
Email is one of those tools when used wisely can be a great
asset to business communication, but when the used wrong way can become an inappropriate, impersonal tool that can break your
companies reputation.
Some drawbacks to the use of email:
a. People don’t usually
read them. Think how many emails you have deleted in the last year. Why didn’t you read them? When writing your emails try to overcome the same
problems that caused you to delete emails form other people.
b. Don’t make you emails
to long winded. What I mean to insure that the person you are sending the
email to will read it make it “skim able”. Do not use long paragraphs
that drag on and on. Write like you would for a web page with short detailed
paragraphs. Make sure to use headings so people can go right to the key points
they want to read. Also use as many lists as possible to again allow people to
view and take in as much information in a short time as possible.
c. Be careful with emails
because people may not know what you mean. One major drawback to emails is
the lack of what we call non-verbal cues in communication. These cues are important
so people can get the hidden meaning or interpret what you are trying to saying. This makes email very impersonal and you
do not if the joke you found funny offends someone else.
All the rage are those email politeness markers i.e. J L. These
are great for communicating emotions and add to nonverbal communications but don’t overdo them because they can get
rather annoying.
d. Lack of Subject. Do not start off any email without telling the person or persons you are writing
to what you are writing about, be specific by saying what you are trying to say and by saying it so people will be drawn into
your email. As in any writing do not use you passive voice “Please Read
My Email”. Get their attention “Read my email or you may regret it
later”. Verbs jazz up any communication they are the engine that gives
your sentence structure the get up and go, but use them wisely.
e. Lack of Compose-ure. An email is a written communication and like any written communication there are
guidelines to follow when writing and composing your document. Use those same
guidelines when composing and email.
f. Lack of editing. This actually falls under composing but I thought it was such a drawback that I would
mention it again. Most people don’t edit their emails. I see so many misspelled words, bad grammar and so on that it is scary.
So some advice edit, edit, edit.